Britt is interviewed for July issue of Music Connection Magazine

I almost forgot to mention this altogether!  I was asked to join a number of other music industry people in contributing to an article in the July 2008 Music Connection Magazine.  The article is written by Bernard Baur, "Rip Your Rehearsal Rut to Shreds." 

I was asked to participate in the section called "Get a Little Knowledge."  Here is how it turned out....(they never seem to get what you say exactly right though)

Get a little knowledge--
You should also be aware of your equipment and sound.  If you're planning to have an effective rehearsal, you must be prepared.  Bring extra gear and make sure everything is ready to go to avoid delays.  In that regard, Britt-Marie Trace, owner of Bomb Shelter Rehearsal Studios, suggests that artists should know something about setting up their own sound.  "We'll help when necessary, but it saves a lot of time when an act can make their own adjustments.  A little knowledge goes a long way," she says.  "Knowing your equipment and how to use the mics and speakers can give you more time and better results."
Lastly, Trace reminds artists that they should approach rehearsals in a professional manner.  "Finalize everyone's schedules before committing to the time."

You can check out the article and other cool stuff by going to Music Connection Magazine's main web site.

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